Our Team

We have assembled strong, highly trained teams with years of experience in all aspects of housing services, social enterprise and community development.

We pride ourselves on providing quality service, and meeting the ever changing needs of our clients.

Our success lies in the operational model that we have developed, and our services are delivered through a multi-level, team approach. Resumes of all staff are available upon request.

Our housing team is divided into the following key areas:

Our NPH Charity Provides, Training Services to UPSKILL Niagara aka Niagara Women's Enterprise Centre (NWEC clients).

  • Brenda Martin - brendamartin@nphcr.ca - Manager of NPH charity

For more information about our charity, Niagara Women's Enterprise Centre, please  click here

REACH Construction Trade Program

  • David Young - hrconsultants.dy@gmail.com - Training Manager of the Construction Program
  • Paul Jacques - pauljacques@nphcr.ca - Trainer Instructor of Construction Program

For more information about the REACH program; click here